
- +
Kendra Santa Cruz 50 $

Kendra (45)

Carla SC Santa Cruz 40 $

Carla S.C. (35)


Santa Cruz Escorts

Was ist ein Santa Cruz Escort?

Escorts in Santa Cruz sind keine Prostituierten! Wir bieten viel mehr als nur Sex.

Wir sind VIP-Escorts und bieten unseren Begleitservice für verschiedene gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen, Geschäftsessen, Firmenveranstaltungen und alle Meetings an, bei denen eine Begleitung benötigt wird, um die Anwesenden mit offenem Mund zurückzulassen!

Obviously, if we want it and if you play your cards right, you have the benefit of being able to have sex with us. That is the main attraction of our service!

Ab welchem ​​Alter kann ich Begleiter von Santa Cruz werden?

Es gibt Altersgrenzen für Begleitpersonen.

First of all, you must be of legal age before starting in this world, but not too young. We recommend you to start around the age of 20, once you have thought about your decision and that it is of your own free will!

The age to retire is between 40-45 years old, due to the fact that there is a replacement generation that gets much more demand. However, this can be different for each of us, it all depends on how we take care of our body and physical appearance.

Welche Art von Kunden hat ein VIP-Escort in Santa Cruz?

We can serve anyone!

However, some VIP escorts who know how to sell ourselves, offer our services to the so-called "white collars"; that is, businessmen, politicians and / or executives. This is because our rate can be much higher than that of any other sex worker and only these people have the facility to hire us without much effort.

Wenn Sie jedoch genug Geld haben, um unsere Dienste in Anspruch zu nehmen, kontaktieren Sie uns einfach!

Do Santa Cruz whores work every day?

Dies ist eine persönliche Entscheidung jedes Escorts.

It also influences whether we work for agencies or independently. Generally, independent escorts have the possibility to take some days off during the year; either we do not work during our period and we take it as a monthly break or because we take a few weeks a year.

Santa Cruz VIP escorts will always depend on the amount of reservations we have.

Sind Escorts in Santa Cruz ausgebildete Frauen?

Gabeln! Die meisten von uns haben einen Universitätsabschluss oder sind Universitätsstudenten.

People tend to assume that we dedicate ourselves to this profession because we did not study or because we found ourselves in a very difficult economic situation and decided to prostitute ourselves. And that is not the reality for all of us.

The vast majority of VIP escorts in Santa Cruz practice this profession we do it by our own will, because we like sex, new experiences and meeting people. Besides, there is the economic incentive, not because it is our only option!

Having studios allows us to present ourselves at parties or important dinners with our clients and to be able to maintain an interesting conversation.

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